Our Blog

ACEEPT  – heute geht’s los!

Heute beginnt der einwöchige ACEEPT Kongress, der dieses Jahr an unserer Hochschule stattfindet. Wir erwarten  67 Studenten und 15 Dozenten aus neun verschiedenen Ländern. Eine Woche lang steht die Karlshochschule unter dem Motto: ACEEPT – get together in Karlsruhe 2009.  Natürlich ist auch ein Karlshochschul Team am Start. Eine Mischung aus Tourismus und Kulturmanagern aus dem ersten und dritten Semester – Karlshochschule rockt!

Die Teilnehmer des Kongresses werden in dieser Woche einen spannenden Themenbereich bearbeiten der drei unserer Branchenspeziefischen Studiengänge der Fakultät zwei verbindet: Increasing MICE Tourism by using ART!

Spannende Vorträge von unseren Professoren und Externen Referenten werden den Studenten genug Input geben um die Wochenaufgabe erfolgreich zu meistern.

Neben der harten Arbeit soll der Spaß natürlich nicht zu kurz kommen. Verschiedenen Freizeitaktivitäten wie Bowling, Kneipentour, City Rallye… sollen den Aufenthalt der Studenten in Karlsruhe noch ein bisschen schöner machen!

Vielen Dank nochmal an ALLE die diesen Kongress möglich gemacht haben und uns in der Woche unterstützen!


Das nächste Update kommt bald!!!

Euer ACEEPT Team


Dear all,

Just over a week and then we will meet in Karlsruhe. We hope you are already enthusiastic about the congress.

We would like to give you some more information about where you will be staying during the week.

You need to bring neither a sleeping bag, nor bed linen or sheets. The only important things you need to bring are towels and all your personal belongings.

Both accommodations are within walking distance of the Karlshochschule International University.

Kind regards
Your ACEEPT Team 2009


Dear members and guest of ACEEPT 2009,

The winter term at the Karlshochschule International University has stared this week and we are getting into more detailed planning for the ACEEPT congress in November. Many universities have already announced their attendance. So far, we have registered the following numbers of participants:

Finland:          8          students          1          tutor

Netherlands:   11        students          2          tutors

Belgium:         8          students          2          tutors

Portugal:         4          students          1          tutor

Spain:              8          students          2          tutors
Have a good week.

The ACEEPT 2009 team


Just finished the Invitation Presentation of the ACEEPT Congress 2009

ACEEPT2009 is now as well on twitter!  www.twitter.com

10th June 2009

Today the AEEPT team is going to present their first draft of the ACEEPT congress week. The program is getting more concrete by the day and we already have some interesting free time activities booked for you: for example a private cinema night in Karlsruhe’s oldest cinema “Schauburg”. You will also get the chance to take part in a bowling challenge at a bowling centre in Karlsruhe, where we will also organize a special buffet for you. The buffet will help you to recharge your batteries after a day of hard and inspiring group work and interesting speeches.

On the last evening, after you have presented the results of your group works, we will surely have a big party to celebrate a hopefully successful congress week.

You will soon get a personal invitation to the ACEEPT congress 2009 from your accompanying professor.

Welcome to the ACEEPT 2009 blog,

On this site we will inform you of the organisational progress of the project week.

For a start we would like to present you the organisation team of the 2009 ACEEPT congress.

We are a team of nine students from the Karlshochschule International University. We are doing our best to prepare a congress for you that will be both educational and fun.

We are working under the guidance of Professor Dr. Merkwitz and Ms. Schramm, head of the Karlshochschule International Office.

Together we hope to be able to prepare an unforgettable project week for you!

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